Now on Facebook!

Do you spend a lot of time on Facebook? (Maybe unfortunately) So do I. But I’m always finding cool, informative stories, blogs photos and other fun stuff around the Web and in life that I’m eager to share with the world, but this space doesn’t seem quite right.

So, guess what? Drumroll please … I recently launched Facebook page for A Better Way to Be. Please take note that it’s still in its early stages, as in, needs a logo and whatnot. But it’s a spot where I can round up a bunch of these things I want to tell everyone about without just driving my FB friends insane with healthy living and environmental posts. So, if you like what you see here and would be so inclined as to wonder on over and “like” the page, I would be so grateful to you! I’d love to be able to connect with you guys there as well as here.


I promise not to fill your news feed with 25 things a day (I’m not pretending to be the New York Times, or something) and to only share things I think you’ll appreciate as much as I do.

I just have one more thing to ask of you, and then I’m done here. If you take the time to “like” the page, could you please also make sure to hover over the button that says “liked” and make sure “Show in news feed” is selected so you actually see new posts?

As always, thank you so much for reading what I write and supporting it with shares, likes and comments. It really means a lot to me to know that other people are interested in what I’m learning about as much as I am!


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