Putting Off Paper Towels

Continuing efforts to waste less paper at work, I decided to commit to cutting out using paper towels for drying the dishes when I wash them out after lunch. We have folding paper towels at work that fill a drawer at it takes a few to effectively dry a bowl, or say, the cup from…

Reusing Office Paper

The office where I work wastes a lot of paper. I think this is a byproduct of being a newspaper. Sure, we have big recycle bins in the hallway where we dump all the printoffs we no longer need. But we print several pages a day to edit stories we could just as easily mark…

Losing My 41 Pounds of Paper Waste

Remember when I wrote that post about the awesome 41Pounds.org in Ferndale? On April 27, I paid $41 to have the nonprofit work to keep me off junk mail lists for five years and to have a third of that cost donated to a charity (I chose one of my new fave news organizations Grist)….

A Small Town Girl Learning How to Recycle

OK, I can admit it: I’m a little late to the party on recycling. OK, way late to the party on recycling. And as taboo as not recycling has become in our society, I know I’m not alone. According to the EPA, in 2008, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash and recycled and…