Home Depot Offers Incentive to Switch to LED Christmas Lights (& Why You Should Do it Anyway)

Usually, by this point in November, I am happily singing along to just about any Christmas song I can get my ears in the vicinity of. This year, I haven’t been able to get into it yet though. Maybe it’s transitioning to this warmer weather? Maybe it’s enough other life changes happening distracting me from…

Five Eco-Friendly Uses For Fallen Leaves

I’ve been in quite the transition over the past month or so as I moved from Worcester, Mass., to Denver. As you can imagine, there’s a lot to take in (I really just moved across the country to Colorado? Those are mountains I see on the horizon?!) and adjust to (I can walk to the…

Take Your Shoes off at the Door (please!)

As a society, we make a big deal out of washing our hands because of all the things they touch, besides our food and ourselves. Yet once people know they’re expected to take their shoes off at the door of my place, they treat me with kid gloves or a roll of the eyes, as…

Tasty Toxic Strawberries?

So regulators are all for stopping the depletion of the ozone layer, even if it’s at the cost of public health, right? It appears that way. On Friday, I first read a Grist article about California being on the verge of approving the use of the dangerous pesticide, methyl iodide, for strawberry crops. Outrage is…

A Small Town Girl Learning How to Recycle

OK, I can admit it: I’m a little late to the party on recycling. OK, way late to the party on recycling. And as taboo as not recycling has become in our society, I know I’m not alone. According to the EPA, in 2008, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash and recycled and…