Litterati: Ridding the World of Litter One Instagram Pic at a Time

Every April, I am so excited to see the thousands of people who care about their communities enough to get out and help pick up the litter thrown all around it. But Earth Day ends, the bags of trash get counted and most often, people aren’t out cleaning up litter until the next year. Meanwhile,…

7 Reasons To Participate In Earth Day Cleanups

Last weekend, I participated for the second year in a row in my city’s Earth Day cleanup. I had honestly been looking forward to it for months. My assignment for this year was cleaning up a baseball field and the surrounding area down the street from where I live. I’m always surprised that I don’t…

Plastic Bags No More (& The Great Garbage Patch)

I don’t accept plastic bags for my items at stores very often. But when I do, I feel super guilty about it. I have pile of reusable bags from various stores I frequent that’s impressive enough to make me look like a bag lady, but they don’t cover all the places I go. And I…

Beloved Beaches

There are good causes that you’re expected to donate money or somehow raise awareness about. Nonprofits rely on us to help them monetarily so they can function and do their research, and these are organizations that I gladly help whenever I can. But then there are those nonprofits that ask us to be the ones…