Home Depot Offers Incentive to Switch to LED Christmas Lights (& Why You Should Do it Anyway)

Usually, by this point in November, I am happily singing along to just about any Christmas song I can get my ears in the vicinity of. This year, I haven’t been able to get into it yet though. Maybe it’s transitioning to this warmer weather? Maybe it’s enough other life changes happening distracting me from…

Litterati: Ridding the World of Litter One Instagram Pic at a Time

Every April, I am so excited to see the thousands of people who care about their communities enough to get out and help pick up the litter thrown all around it. But Earth Day ends, the bags of trash get counted and most often, people aren’t out cleaning up litter until the next year. Meanwhile,…

Plastic Bags No More (& The Great Garbage Patch)

I don’t accept plastic bags for my items at stores very often. But when I do, I feel super guilty about it. I have pile of reusable bags from various stores I frequent that’s impressive enough to make me look like a bag lady, but they don’t cover all the places I go. And I…

I’m So Bright, I’ve Gotta Wear Shades

Yesterday, I was on one of my frequent treks through Whole Foods (which have only gotten more frequent since I moved and it was suddenly on my route to work), when I stopped in my tracks, thanks to a sunglasses display. Eco-friendly sunglasses?! Silly me. Why hadn’t I thought of that? I had to stop…

Plant Plastic

The balcony on my lovely new apartment was looking pretty bare, except for my old bike that badly needs to be traded in. And with summer kicking in, this just wouldn’t do. So my garden-loving mom brought a couple packs of pretty flowers to drop in the pot that made the journey with me from…

The push against plastic water bottles

Everyday I come across something relating to an eco-friendly or organic lifestyle that I want to share with everyone. And the ideas are piling up. But a long time ago, I decided that I’d start this blog with a focus on one of the most basic changes most people can make to their lifestyle that…