Get a Workout Buddy, Get Motivation

I have never understood why so many people get into a relationship and get out of shape. If you exercised before, why stop? Don’t you value yourself enough to want to be healthy and look good for yourself even after you’ve landed the person who’s better than you’d dreamed? Well, let me tell you, I…

Taking a Moment to be Mindful

So you may have read last night’s post about how I was full of calm and mindfulness after yoga. Unfortunately, by the time the morning came, that mindfulness had slipped away (although, for the record, I did get back to my morning visualization of energy moving through me), but not in the way you might…

Starry Yoga Night (Find Your Escape)

I love yoga. The stretching, burning, twisting, intensity and calm of it. About 9.875 times out of 10, it makes me feel better about life. Since moving to Worcester almost a year ago, I hadn’t found a good yoga place. Instead, I sometimes take classes offered at my rock climbing gym. They’re not quite like…