15+ Ideas for Giving Experiences as Gifts Instead of Things

I was a ridiculously fortunate kid. Not like my family was rich, and my sister and I were spoiled, getting everything we wanted, but it’s safe to say Santa was really, really good to us every year. My sister and I would pore over the J.C. Penney Christmas Catalog every fall, carefully circling every item we daydreamed about…

Five Eco-Friendly Uses For Fallen Leaves

I’ve been in quite the transition over the past month or so as I moved from Worcester, Mass., to Denver. As you can imagine, there’s a lot to take in (I really just moved across the country to Colorado? Those are mountains I see on the horizon?!) and adjust to (I can walk to the…

Litterati: Ridding the World of Litter One Instagram Pic at a Time

Every April, I am so excited to see the thousands of people who care about their communities enough to get out and help pick up the litter thrown all around it. But Earth Day ends, the bags of trash get counted and most often, people aren’t out cleaning up litter until the next year. Meanwhile,…

Now on Facebook!

Do you spend a lot of time on Facebook? (Maybe unfortunately) So do I. But I’m always finding cool, informative stories, blogs photos and other fun stuff around the Web and in life that I’m eager to share with the world, but this space doesn’t seem quite right. So, guess what? Drumroll please … I…

Washing Your Face with Baking Soda Doesn’t Have to be Drying

It’s taken me a few years and bouncing between a handful of types of face wash to revisit the more natural, chemical-free, baking soda face washing. I’ve written about this twice before and the initial post about the wonders of washing my acne-prone face with baking soda is continuously my most-read. So for those of…

Get a Workout Buddy, Get Motivation

I have never understood why so many people get into a relationship and get out of shape. If you exercised before, why stop? Don’t you value yourself enough to want to be healthy and look good for yourself even after you’ve landed the person who’s better than you’d dreamed? Well, let me tell you, I…

7 Reasons To Participate In Earth Day Cleanups

Last weekend, I participated for the second year in a row in my city’s Earth Day cleanup. I had honestly been looking forward to it for months. My assignment for this year was cleaning up a baseball field and the surrounding area down the street from where I live. I’m always surprised that I don’t…